
We get it, you clever, clever man... there can't be global warming if some places are still getting cold. It's all a Democratic ruse!
Nevermind that the effect of global warming is really about weather extremes and changes in precipitation patterns, and not, as a six year old might understand it, about making every place on earth really, really hot.
Global warming is a real phenomenon and it's supported by actual, factual data. It's the nature of global warming that's up for debate. Is it part of a natural cycle? Is it man made? Will it have a significant impact? Can we affect that impact?
I can understand why, given the known facts, people would choose to take action instead of opting for inaction. Wouldn't it suck to realize after it's too late that we've allowed a disaster we could have prevented? After analyzing probability and impact, this could be one of those times when inaction is the wrong way to go.
What I don't understand is why Republicans are so intent on making global warming a political issue. What's the point of that? As with all things Republican, it's probably about the money. After all, energy is the only booming industry we have left.
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