Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Republicans Fund Lieberman's Primary Campaign

To the people who think Joe Lieberman got the shaft and are outraged that 'a really great guy' was ousted by all those wild-eyed radical liberals... it's time to wake the hell up and ask yourself why Rove would involve himself to funnel contributions toward Lieberman's campaign when there are so many Republican candidates who need funding in this primary season. And why would Lieberman accept them?

Are we to believe it's because Rove thinks Joe Lieberman is just 'a really great guy'? Yes, of course... the Republican's political strategy is often associated with bipartisan support of 'really great guys'. I'm sure they did it because deep down they feel that 'really great guys' are good for the country. I'm sure it would never occur to them to support a candidate because of what they might get out of it in a year when they are worried about losing majority status. I'm sure there was nary a quid nor a pro nor a quo involved.

Some Republicans are probably still upset that "one of the good guys" (aka one of the guys who thinks like they do) took a hit but they needn't worry. If Lieberman wins as a 3rd party candidate then he'll no longer feel any obligation to vote against his natural Republican tendencies!

I wonder how that race in Rhode Island is going... you know, the one where the moderate incumbant Republican, Lincoln Chafee, is being challenged by a right wing conservative because of his moderate positions on taxes, gay marriage, and the environment? The challenger, Stephen Laffey, is being promoted by those wild-eyed radical conservatives in The Club For Growth. Haven't heard much hype about that one in the news lately, have you?


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