Sunday, September 03, 2006

Katrina in Retrospect

I have never had much of a specific rant to offer on Katrina. It was such an overwhelming disaster, figuratively and literally, that it's almost impossible to know how to speak of it. I also never much had the heart to politicize it and, even if I had, there was so much blame to go around on all sides that it would have been impossible for any party or level of government to walk away unscathed. Truly the magnitude of failure in both preparation and response is inexecusable, unforgivable, and for everyone involved to bear.

Digby has provided some commentary on the anniversary of Katrina that I've only just gotten around to reading. Because I sat transfixed watching the coverage for days, I remember vividly the wildly incongruous exchanges on Fox between the live reporting from Shepherd Smith/Geraldo Rivera and the studio reporting from Bill O'Reilly/Sean Hannity. Surreal to see the video again on Crooks and Liars, especially the gut wrenching emotion coming from the normally staid Smith.

Digby's best link in the post is, as it should be, I think, rather unpolitical and predictably telling of the range of human response in such a disaster. Riveting story.


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