Sunday, September 03, 2006


Will she run for president or won't she?

I hope not. For starters, do we really want to perpetuate this bizarre dynasty concept? We had Bush I and Bush II and now our choice comes down to Clinton II (Hillary) or Bush III (Jeb)? I shudder. Yeah, we've had a few tag team presidents throughout history (no regrets on the Roosevelts) but do we really think there are no other qualified, electable candidates for president in a country of 300,000,000 people?

Also, the Democratic base does not like Hillary. Straw poll after straw poll and she barely registers a blip on the radar (in fact, many are openly hostile toward her). I'm not saying that the base necessarily proffers the best candidate for the run but, just like the Republicans need to harness their bible belt base to propel their candidates, so do the Democrats need to get their base working for them. And for the first time in recent history, the Democrats actually have a base -- one that isn't a rag-tag group of fragmented counter-working fringe interests.

My own intuitive take on Hillary is that she's one spectacularly shrewd woman... smart as a whip and just too damn cunning to trust. I see her lips moving and I hear all the right words coming out but I have no idea what she's really thinking. Is she a true statesman ready to use the power of the office for the betterment of the country or is the power of the office an ends to itself? Hard to say.

It is, however, hard to ignore that she is a brilliant and disciplined politician. Despite previous carpetbagging accusations regarding her Senate run in New York, she's worked hard for the state and (unlike the rest of the Washington crowd) spends most of her time physically there... New York moderates seem to love her. I think having her lead the senate Dems in lieu of Harry Reid would be of terrific benefit to the party. Reid strikes me as an insightful strategist but maybe too understated for the leadership role. Democrats have long suffered from a lack of party cohesion... surely it would strengthen them to have a born politician and strict disciplinarian keeping the troops in line? She's the anti-Pelosi and I would most certainly be willing to get behind that.


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