Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Path to The Path to 9/11

The ABC movie, The Path to 9/11, has spawned quite the commemorative controversy. I don't see how anyone could argue that this "docudrama" is worthy of our national viewership. If it's supposed to educate us or to provoke additional policy discussion, why not just stick with the facts? Embellishing the story merely to create a better anti-Clinton storyline is disgusting considering the subject matter and the air date. And pre-releasing the damn thing to all the conservative media operatives was just plain weird.

The Editors, my lovely, wry, sardonic hero over at The Poorman, has apparently gained exclusive rights to an original movie storyboard.

Glenn Greenwald takes a stroll down memory lane to recall the CBS Ronald Reagan movie that almost was.

And here's Greg Mitchell from Editor & Publisher on MSNBC(hat tip Atrios):


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