Monday, September 18, 2006

Is He Ready Yet?

It seems like a long time ago that we stood out in the August sun with the kids to hear Obama speak at Sinnissippi Park. It was 2004 and I admit, I was already smitten.

I've become more and more and more enamored as time goes on. The man has charisma. He is eloquent. He is intelligent. He demonstrates conviction. He's on middlin' ground, politically, with broad appeal. He understands the concerns of all without groveling to any.

He is moving cautiously through his junior term, taking some positions that leave the lefties cheering and some that leave them reeling... point being, he votes what he believes without any particular angle. I would vote for him again - for any office - and if he stays on this course it seems certain that he will be president some day. But it is it too soon?

My desire for a principled, intelligent, politically savvy world leader (not just a national figurehead) is so strong that I'd wish him to run sooner rather than later. But just like you can't rush a fine wine or smooth scotch, I think he needs to grow a little more into the role that I'm almost convinced he was born for. He needs to learn how Washington works so he can rule it. He needs to build the kind of bipartisan alliances that will enable him to move an agenda (people forget that this is how politics is supposed to work... it is silly to declare a war on your opposition and then sulk in the corner because you can't get anything done). He needs to begin building international relationships. All of this takes time.

A true leader does not need to take power. A true leader is given power. I think we've finally found one.

UPDATE: In re-reading this post it appears I've succumbed to emotional and, more unforgivably, bad, writing - however - instead of deleting it I'm going to simply let it stand as a tribute to the frustration I feel with the current state of politics and with the people currently in power.


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