Sunday, September 24, 2006

Congratulations, Kaitlyn!

Kaitlyn took 2nd place for Harlem at the Freeport Diving Invitational (Freshman competition). Not bad for her first meet and pretty darn good for someone without a gymnastics background who has been diving for a grand total of 4 weeks.

The really amazing thing, though, is that until last week she was Harlem's only diver -- meaning she learned all six dives by simply having her instructor describe them for her (most new divers at least have the benefit of learning by watching experienced divers).

The most dramatic moment came when they announced the order of the divers and Kaitlyn found out she had drawn first. The pool room was completely silent as she walked to the board, all eyes on her. I could see how nervous she was but she climbed up and did her thing. The girl's got guts. And talent!

Congratulations, Kait -- well done!


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