Sunday, November 18, 2007

This And That

  • Da Bears... *sigh
  • We found a significant leak in the main water pipe in the basement this morning. Jeff thought it wouldn't be difficult to fix so he and Ryan headed to Home Depot "for a part" as I headed to the grocery store. About 90 minutes later I returned to hear a strange noise coming from the basement, which Ryan gleefully identified for me as a blowtorch. Oy! No worries, though -- Jeff got 'er fixed. He lit, he plumbed, he conquered.
  • I guess I was the only one surprised by News Corp's support for Giuliani. My turn to be a naive sheeple! Frank Rich's NYT column dished some well-linked Giuliani dirt today. I don't know when they started live-linking opinion columns to associated news sources but it's a great idea (as well as entertaining).
  • Speaking of Giuliani, I saw a great round-up of former Homeland Security Czar nominee Bernard Kerik's boo-boo's . I was surprised to find out he started as Giuliani's chauffeur and ended up Police Commissioner? That's quite a career path!


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5:22 AM, November 19, 2007  

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