Friday, December 01, 2006

What Do The Iraqis Say?

As we in the U.S. continue to tussle, more or less comfortably, over just how bad (or good) things are in Iraq, perhaps we should look to the Iraqis for their perspective.

I have blogged before about Iraq the Model, one of several active Iraqi blogs and one of the most pro-American. I also provide a permanent link to their site from this blog.

I have read Riverbend over at Bagdad Burning with some degree of regularity as well as Bagdad Treasure and the truly inspired Healing Iraq (his most recent posts are staggering... and apparently there's some concern over what has become of the Iraq the Model bloggers).

It is somewhat eerie to check back and see once popular Iraqi blogs abandoned, their news and opinions frozen in time. I have no idea why they stop writing but it's a reminder of the courage it takes to speak openly in a society that does not value the individual and, in fact, seeks to suppress individual voices.


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