Thursday, November 02, 2006

To Hell in a Gaybasket (er... Handbasket)

The facts on gay marriage don't seem to support our national hysteria on the subject (although truly the hysteria is as contrived and manipulated for votes as the War on Christmas is for ratings). Here's a snip:
Seventeen years after recognizing same-sex relationships in Scandinavia there are higher marriage rates for heterosexuals, lower divorce rates, lower rates for out-of-wedlock births, lower STD rates, more stable and durable gay relationships, more monogamy among gay couples, and so far no slippery slope to polygamy, incestuous marriages, or "man-on-dog" unions.
I will never understand all the endless obsession and hyperventilation on this topic. And that's not a PC statement, either.... there's just not a single rational, objective argument that stands up against gay marriage. And despite all of the manufactured outrage at the mythical beasts known as "Activist Judges," the reason the courts keep allowing it is because there is no legal standing from which to disallow it.

It seems so simple.


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