Saturday, October 07, 2006

White House for Sale

I meant to comment on this Jack Abramoff-Susan Ralston exchange when I first saw it but got distracted by other things. I was reminded yesterday when I heard that Susan Ralston had resigned.

We should all be concerned with the implication of the memo. It demonstrates exactly how Abramoff really got things done in Washington in his role as shadowy power broker and it reveals that this administration keeps two sets of books: one for the public and one for the plutocracy.

To be fair, corruption and quid pro quo are generally bipartisan support items. But the GOP owns K Street now and is, in fact, working to own it forever. For those unfamiliar with the Republican K Street Project or Jack Abramoff's role in it, here's a primer.

Call it whatever you want, clever or corrupt -- but this is not how our Democracy was designed to work.


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