Monday, October 02, 2006

More Foley

Maf54: I want to see you
Teen: Like I said not til feb…then we will go to dinner
Maf54: and then what happens
Teen: we eat…we drink…who knows…hang out…late into the night
Maf54: and
Teen: I dunno
Maf54: dunno what
Teen: hmmm I have the feeling that you are fishing here…im not sure what I would be comfortable with…well see
And I see Foley has graduated from the Mel Gibson school of "I only did it because I'm an alcoholic!"

Of course there is some profusely shallow obfuscation happening over on the anti-Democrat blogs, with some folks being confused by the difference between a "sex" scandal and a "predatory pedophile" scandal.
"So it seems in the run-up to the election we won't have to talk about Iraq and terrorism and detainees anymore. Let's talk about sex."
Ah, if only it were as simple as a naughty sex story -- then they could drag Clinton and Condit and Hart through the mud again along with Foley. I'm afraid it's appallingly worse than that, guys... and most normal people will recoil in the kind of disgust that has nothing at all to do with politics.


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