Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Five Principles for Happiness in 2007

An interesting article I saw on Yahoo regarding the five principles for happiness. Principle #2 is to get connected with your truth:
  • What makes you happy at work?
  • What makes you happy at home?
  • What makes you happy with your friends and family?
  • What makes you happy when you're by yourself?
  • What do you love to do?
  • What would you do with your life today if you weren't afraid of failure?
  • What's not working in your life?
  • What are you currently doing that prevents you from experiencing joy?
  • What's working in your life?
  • Who's not working in your life?
  • Who in your life is subtracting value from and adding misery to it?
  • Can you fix any of these relationships, or should you let them go from your life?
  • What relationships are working in your life?
  • If we were getting together one year from today, what would have to happen for you to be able to tell me that you now have more joy in your life?
  • What's the single most important thing you've learned about yourself as a result of answering these questions?


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