Friday, October 27, 2006

And the Winner is... ?

Lots of speculation about the dynamic of November's elections and who's going to win the House and Senate next month. I couldn't even venture a guess.

I see a few interesting grassroots races, which is nice. I'm kind of a fan of grassroots movements in general, believing that they are the purest form of democracy (yes, even when they're evangelical nutjobs or when they unseat long term incumbants). It's kind of like the music industry where everything is slickly produced and marketed for mass appeal but -- once in a great while -- you'll see a breakthrough indy band circumvent the big labels, propelled by popular demand. Considering that our incumbancy rate is about 98% and that it's nearly impossible to sneak new candidates past the DLC, DNC, and RNC, I'd like to see a lot more people-powered grassroots movements in the landscape.

It's time for people to stop accepting what they're offered, start thinking about what they want, and then do something to make it happen. That's the only way we're going to rid ourselves of the plutocracy we've passively created. Easier said than done, maybe, but awareness is always the first step.

Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over and expecting different results. I will not be voting the same way I've voted in the last few congressional elections, that's for sure.


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